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Pancakes and Transfer Ware

One of my favorite things to look forward to over the weekend is pancakes! Or french toast - basically anything bread-like combined with real maple syrup! Hubby made these spelt walnut pancakes and I think they may be my favorite recipe. He added fresh pear on top. 

My mom flew up from California last week and while she was here, we took a drive into Portland. My shopping goals were some good nursing tops and some pants. She dropped me off at Marshalls while she drove laps around the parking lot to soothe the babies to sleep. It had been over six months since I'd been shopping. 

I came out half an hour later with these plates - eight dinner and eight salad. I didn't even try on clothes. 

They're the same pattern as my brown transfer ware (here). I thought the blue would be nice for spring and summer...and all the yummy culinary goodness that comes with these seasons - hello morel mushroom pizza, fruit salad, mescalin greens and oh, insalata caprese.

Spelt Walnut Pancake Recipe:

2/3 cup stone ground corn flour
1 cup spelt flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp raw sugar
1 tsp salt 
2 eggs - separated
1 1/2 cup milk 
2 TB melted butter

Combine dry ingredients in large bowl. Whisk wet ingredients in a small bowl. Whisk egg whites separately in another small bowl until frothy. Combine together with dry ingredients in large bowl - throw in handful of walnuts. 

I want to thank everyone for your comments and e-mails. It really means a lot to me to hear from you. Unfortunately, it's become quite challenging to keep up with correspondence as I'd like. I pretty much always have a baby in my arms (I'm holding sleeping Margaret as I type with one hand right now!).

I also wanted to say that I'm still reading blogs which I can do with one hand and a mouse! I'm just not able to leave comments so much (but I do write very long chatty comments in my head!). 


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