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France exported

If you live in California and you have woken up this morning thinking, "hmm, wish I had a few more French antiques in my home" but you simply don't have the time today to pop over and shop directly in Paris or Normandy or Isle sur la Sorgue, then I may have the solution......

Trinidad, Martin  and Johan at Atelier de Campagne are unloading their latest container of wonderful  goodies incredible treasures next weekend.  It was meant to be happening today but customs held them up so you still have a whole week to plan your trip, prepare your wish list and get over to here

If there were an olympic medal for shopping these guys would get gold!  The quantity of beautiful antiques that they find and ship home each trip is really amazing, even to someone like me who lives here.

Let me know if you get there next weekend,
I'll share some vicarious shopping fun.
Happy hunting!

all pictures Atelier de Campagne

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