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January Buffet (with a new treasure!)

First of all, thank you to all of you who responded with thoughtful comments, encouragement, and advice on our home situation! I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me.

If you didn’t get a response back from me, that is because you don’t have an e-mail linked up to your account, and I would love for you to consider changing that situation!

We actually had an offer on our home today…for a mere $20,000 less than our asking price! We politely said, “No, thank you.” We’re motivated, but not desperate!

On to more fun things…

Do you remember my Christmas buffet?

Christmas2011 001

Well, the stockings came down, and the hurricane lamps moved to other places. I pulled all of my poinsettias together, including the ones from the suitcase wall, and made a new arrangement:

January 010

It was simple and pretty, and highlighted my beautiful flowers…

January 012

…but it still seemed to be missing something.

Lucky for me, a brief stop at a new antique store revealed that perfect “something” to me!

January 013

Do you like my new sled?? I adore it!

My boys are disappointed that it is to be decorative rather than functional!

January 014

And guess what else?? Even my husband likes this one!


Linking up to Brambleberry Cottage.

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