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Adding a Little Green

I am not sure if it is the lack of snow this winter which has me thinking about spring or my constant need to rearrange (probably a little of both!), but last week I found the top of my family room built-ins to be looking a bit sparse. I decided some new plants were in order and headed to Lowes to see what I could find.

I ended up coming home with three succulents, a small ivy plant (1/2 price on clearance) and a funny looking plant which reminded me of un-mowed grass.

The succulents and a sprig of the ivy found homes in a white ironstone bowl and the “grass plant” was simply placed in a container I normally use in the summer outside.

I grabbed a few other plants from other parts of the house and within twenty minutes I was quite pleased with the new arrangement.

I now have a little bit of spring inside to tide me over until it finally arrives outside!

Are you thinking about spring too? Have you added any spring touches to your home?

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