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calm colours in the home

I am always drawn to this neutral palette that allows so many small details without ever feeling cramped or cluttered.

This beauitful home is in Belgium, and the Belgian style is clearly visible.  Bold pieces of furniture, harmonious colours; brocante pieces; all adding to a comfortable family home.  I love the mismatched dressers either side of the long dining table.

Against the backdrop of tall ceilings and old double doorways, the modern white chairs do not look out of place; but simply add to the calm and relaxed atmosphere.  In the same way that in the top picture they chose modern lampshades instead of chandeliers.

This room seems to be a back kitchen, pots for decoration only, the simplest of cupboards and shelves.  The only concession to decoration is the beautiful stone sink and the collection of earthenware confit pots.

 It's not always easy to use mansard rooms.    Here they get around the lack of vertical wall space by placing two washbasins, one each side of the doorway - charming.

I'll be reaching for my paintbrushes next week and this sort of interior can only inspire me.

All photos thanks to Art et Decoration

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