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Scouts Say Jeter Looks "Quicker"

From George A. King III:
Veteran scouts who have watched Derek Jeter since 1996 believe he has gotten quicker at 37 than in previous seasons.

“His legs look quicker,’’ said a scout who watched Jeter play against Baltimore this week. “The first step out of the box is quicker. It doesn’t seem to show up in his range in the field, but the first step from the plate is quicker.’’

The scout timed Jeter in 4.24 and 4.25 seconds from home to first. The major league average from the right-handed batter’s box to first is 4.3.

Scouts who watched Jeter play against the Rays on Tropicana Field’s turf said Jeter was faster.

“He was 4.20 in Baltimore and the watches had him at 4.16 on the turf,’’ a scout said. “He looks great. He has found a natural fountain of youth.’’
I don't know how it's possible for someone to improve their quickness at 37, but it's Jeter so anything is possible.

His .370 batting average is actually his highest batting average through the first six games of the season since 2005, when he was hitting .435 at this early point in the season.

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