I remember seeing this article when it was originally published in Better Homes & Gardens, and I was struck by the cleverness of using CHALKBOARD PAINT on furniture, of all things! Since then, I have used it on a window and two desks, with great results. Then I saw the Isabella & Max makeover, and although I didn't have any cool *pink* chalkboard paint, I decided I had to give the dresser idea a try!
These pieces I found at Deseret Industries a few weeks ago:They were in excellent structural condition, but the finish had yellowed over time.
The chest of drawers had one double-deep drawer (it just looks like two), and the dresser had two.
It even included the mirror! Best of all the pieces were by Bassett Furniture--a very good name.
I painted everything with two coats of flat black paint before starting with the chalkboard paint. Everything got at least two coats of that, as well (the tops got three).Where it used to have pale bluish-green accent stripes, I chose to go with silver.
The knobs are original, but they used to be gold with that same bluish-green center. They all got coated with silver spray paint and a clear coat.
The top drawers of both pieces are beautifully curved!
I didn't forget the little metal caps on the bottoms of the front legs--they got a coat of new silver paint as well.
I am so completely envious of those bloggers who have the space to "stage" their creations! For something like this, my garage is all there is! But if you look in the mirror, you can see other projects waiting in the queue!

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