My friend "D" wanted a BIG memo board to organize some of her office stuff--and make it pretty. Censational Girl posted some great instructions on how to make one here, so off I went!"D" wanted her memo board to be 3 ft x 4 ft. I chose to use a thin sheet of Lauan, mostly so it wouldn't be enormously heavy! I covered the board in a thin batting, and then with a brown twill. The ribbon is a cream-colored grograin, and it took almost 15 YARDS of the stuff!
Buttons for decoration were going to be expensive--but then I was inspired. In the jewelry-making section of JoAnn's, I found two strings of flat beads that would work instead! I used exactly two strings, and they were buy-one-get-one-free. You can't see it in the picture, but they aren't just plain brown, they look like stone with all the pretty variations and colors.
I like this one so much, I think I need one for myself now, above MY computer! I'm thinking something big...and bright...with flowers!

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