I found this small sofa table at DI a few days ago. I loved the pretty spiral legs and the drawer, but I hated its funky turned-out feet! Naturally, I didn't remember to take a true "before" picture, so you'll have to put the pieces together in your head!
By the way, this was the first project I used my miter saw on! It only took me a month to work up to it!The cherry finish was very dated.
Here are the feet! Imagine them all turned outward, and then imagine that the bottom shelf was something like nine inches off the floor--trust me, it looked weird! They had to go.
Here it is after white paint and a dark brown glaze!It's sitting in our front room at the moment. My daughter wants to keep it, and I'm thinking it looks pretty good there myself...
...but my husband calls anything in the entry hall a "fire hazard."
This table is available for $75.

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