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Christmas Day

How was your Christmas? It is almost 11:00 P.M where I live, my youngest is asleep, and my boys... I can still hear them playing with the legos they got for Christmas in thier room. I will let it slide, I figuerd they can stay up late.

We had a wonderful time with our family. We opened our presents, ate until we all got full, watched "A Christmas Story" and laughed. Good times.

I hope you all had a wonderful time too. I just wanted to say thank you to those who sent personal emails to me and my family to wish us a Merry Christmas. I really appriciate that you took the time to do so. Thank you.

Well, like I promised, I have a winner for the burlap + blue giveaway! I posted that on my giveaway page, so head over and check to see who the lucky winner is!

I hope you are all well, I will see you at my next post!

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