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Nesting places

I am a "fat bird addict."
There. I've admitted it.

It's spring time, and fat birds (and their nests) are popping up all over my house! Here are a few:

Where are they building these nests?

Oh, yes. On top of the candleholders!

And yes, bunnies make nests too!

Did you notice the carrots?
Many thanks to Homework for such a cute idea!

This little bird found an interesting perch...

...he's inside an old sewing machine drawer!

Look at the eggs...a collecting of twine-wrapped and sheet-music-wrapped eggs.
What unusual birds I have!

But wait...there's more...

This little bird found a home on the cabinet at the top of the stairs.

I didn't forget my big black bookcase...

I think the eggs will be well-protected inside a cloche, don't you??
(There are a few yarn-wrapped eggs in there.)

And then there's the entry table...

I **LOVE* Spring!!



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