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Christmas Post Scripts

I hope that everyone had the most joyful Christmas! I have to say that sharing this 
Christmas with our sweet son and daughter made it one of our most memorable ever. 

Here are a few snapshots from our holiday week. We moved our couch to the south side of the room (facing the tree) because we wanted to open up as much floor space for playing as possible. 

We usually have a very large play yard set up in the living room, so large that it takes up half the room. It's been the best purchase we've made as it provides for wonderful safe play time (no base board heaters, cupboards or other hazards to get into), especially when Mike's at work and I'm alone with the babies. With both of us home to watch over the babies, we were able to fold it up for the holidays. 

Graham moves fast and kept us on our toes! Margaret likes to take in smaller portions of the room for the most part. They both love looking out the picture window and french door, which are at just their level.

They were much more interested in playing with the boxes and the wrapping paper than with 
the gifts inside.  It was so adorable. Margaret is also grasping one of her favorite objects (the round, bulb-shaped top of a stacker toy). It made us laugh because it looked like she had found 
Rudolph's red nose! 

This photo also explains why you should decorate all sides of your tree. 

We set up our traditional cardinal Christmas tree in the dining room. This tree is especially 
meaningful to us as Mike's Mom (who passed away shortly after we were married) loved cardinals.  

I can tell you that this is the cleaned up version of this room. Usually, the high chairs are there, as well as lots and lots of books (for story time after meals and snacks), and other various and sundry items distributed about the floor - toys, sippy cups, finger snacks...

Next to the tree, we placed my Grandmother's old settee under the mirror at the east end of the room. I just love putting it in this room at Christmas time as its warm tones are so suggestive of the season. 

The settee had originally belonged to her grandparents. She upholstered it with this toile pattern 
years ago, before I was born. It is a piece I grew up with as it was in her entry way - I'd toss my 
coat on it each time I ran through her front door. 

My gift to Mike was this L.L. Bean sled for the babies to ride in on their first winter wonderland adventures. It's a tandem sled that we've only played with indoors so far, as the few inches of snow we've had this winter melted before Christmas. 

Best wishes to you and your families for a joyous New Year! 

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