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Crochet & Sewing Colaboration Project

I shared my Spider Silk Scarf project a couple posts ago. I also crocheted this while I was in bed. It started out as something to do and just to practice. I had no plans in mind. It was just blue rectangle... then I thought ooh! What if I make a pouch for Rachel?

I couldn't wait to get somewhat mobile, so I could construct the pouch with lining, zipper and add some embellishments.

I usually have tons of flowers that are already made from various fabrics. It is so fun to make fabric folded flowers, yo-yo's, and fabric covered buttons from scraps. They become so handy when I want to decorate a project in no time (they are awesome projects to work on while I am waiting for my kids at the car pool or at their after school activity!)

It turned out to be a perfect size for her, and she LOVED it! Hmm... What else can I crochet with just basic crocheting skills?

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