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Old and New

Our home is filled with a mixed collection of old and new. Perhaps one 
of the most frequent reminders of this is found in our kitchen drawers.  

Our everyday cutlery consists of two mismatched but complimentary sets found several years ago 
at Home Goods. They reside in front of my Grandmother's every day silver plate cutlery that is 
kept in the wicker basket at the back of the drawer. Next to the collection of antique bottle openers 
I've collected are hardware store clothespins used to fasten bags. 

The wood cutlery box was my Grandmothers. 

This old wicker paper basket holds our knives and some of our serving utensils. 

The other kitchen drawer holds mostly new utensils with a few old things mixed in. 

This twenty-piece set of cutlery is from Martha Stewart's old line 
at K-Mart, which I found on sale for $9.99. The wire basket that holds this set 
was found at an antique store. 

My Grandmother's old ice cream scoops co-habitate with the modern metal can opener, scissors 
and peeler. I love the mix between the cool metals and the warmth of the wood and wicker. 

It's amazing to think of the different time periods in which these items were made and originally 
used, yet how compatible they are today. 

Here are the latest additions to our drawers. My mom sent my old baby spoons to us when 
Graham and Margaret started eating solid foods. Each has its own subtle design. These are the 
only baby spoons we use so they're used several times a day. 


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