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The Cottage Mama on Pinterest

I am a huge fan of Pinterest.  'Inspiration City' is what I like to call it. I'm not quite sure why it never dawned on me to mention that I'm on Pinterest, but I am.  Now I've mentioned it ~ The Cottage Mama is on Pinterest.

I usually only allow myself to login to Pinterest once a day because if I go on there any more than that, I will get carried away for hours.  However, I do 'pin' things throughout my day with the little 'pin it' button in my internet browser.  The amount of eye candy photographs, inspiration and ideas are mind-boggling.  I know I've said this before, but the amount of talent and creativity in this world astounds me.  I feel so lucky that a site like Pinterest has been created so we can all bear witness to this creativity on a daily basis.

Some people seem to think that Pinterest is a bit overwhelming, but not me ~ I love it.  When I'm having an non-creative, unproductive day, I can simply login and suddenly I have my mojo back.  Once you see all the amazing projects that are going on in the world it just makes you want to get into the studio and create.

Here are some of my pin boards:

So if you feel like checking out my pin boards, feel free, you can find them all here
I would sure love to check out yours!  

And if you've never been on Pinterest, you must.  You won't believe your eyes!  

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