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Great Bargain for Future Posts

Aren't they beautiful colors? When I did the ruffle shirt tutorial by using a Down East wonder shirt, a couple of readers gave me a info for the Down East warehouse. Thank you for watching over me Melissa and Madeline P!! I had no idea that such a thing exsisted, so, of course, I went there to check it out!!

The warehouse was smaller then I imagined, but I was able to find several shirts. A few of them were from JCrew, and they were only 2 for $5!! Some of the shirt I bought had small cuts, but I am going to cut that part anyways, so I didn't mind. I already have some ideas of what I am going to do with them, and of course, I will post the pictures in a future post (after I finish all the projects I am currently working on).

Lately, I have been busy with so many things. The progress on my projects are slow... but I have a special post coming up on this Friday...I sooo, want to tell you what it is... but I can't!!!

Come back for sure to find out on Friday morning. You won't be disappointed!

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