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Some Old Fashioned Love

Ever since I can remember, I have been drawn to things that have a history (a polite way of saying old!) In fact, as I look around my house, there is not much here that was purchased new. So it should come as no surprise that I also find old books, cards, advertisements, posters, etc. fascinating,
Many years ago, my husband’s family bought some land on which sat a very old abandoned log house. Every year when we would visit, my husband and I would trek through the fields to get to this house. We spent our vacation days pulling down the old chimney to save the bricks, dismantling a staircase and fireplace mantel, pulling up wide floor and wall planks, and generally having a good time playing salvagers. While searching through the house, we came across, among other things,  a box of old Valentine cards that included some of the ones shown here.
I love the look of the graphics and fonts of these vintage Valentines. Can you imagine giving or receiving the card below today? 

How cute is this small Valentine book below? 

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and don't forget to tell the ones you love how special they are to you.

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