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Ucreate Guest Blog Post Giveaway Winner!

Wow! Thank you so much for the many comments on the tutorial post at Ucreate and for this giveaway!! I feel so relieved and excited that the tutorial got great response from many of you.

I can't say this enough but I really appreciate your readership and comments. They are like fuel for me to keep creating and posting. I would love to give the prize to everybody but in realty...I can't. I have to pick one winner.

OK... the winner is...

Mike & Jen

Congratulations!! Contact me with your info so I can ship the kit to you.

Those who didn't win, don't get discouraged, There is a sponsor giveaway coming up this month, so check back for a chance to enter!

By the way, there is a story I want to share with you all. I will post it either tomorrow (if I have time) or Wednesday. Don't worry, it is a good story, and a real story that happened to us today. I was really touched by this and have to share it with you all.

Meanwhile, I am really tired today...I am off to bed. I hope everyone had a nice start to the week.

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