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it’s the weekend

bed2_topimage house & home

{i’ve inserted bright and happy images for your enjoyment due to the bright and happy weather that’s outside right now}

i’m heading up to murfreesboro, tennessee for a baby shower today.  i’m so excited to see all of my college friends.  it’s been since september since i’ve seen most of them so i’m really looking forward to some good girl time. 

neoclassic_0 house & home

i just got finished with a presentation for a client and i can’t wait to reveal the design boards to you.  i’ll probably put them up on the blog sometime next week, so be on the look out for them.  there were three spaces that she needed me to design…all of them kid’s rooms.  i had a blast putting the design concepts together and i can’t wait to get started on everything. 

screenbed house & home

i hope all of you have a fun weekend.  i can’t tell you how excited i am that i don’t have to wear my jacket outside today.  it’s definitely not bathing suit weather yet, but this warm blast is such a refreshing change from the arctic chill we’ve been under.  hopefully it’s warm wherever you are too. 


house & home

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