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The Big Surprise is...?

In my last post, I mentioned that I would have a special post today... You all might be wondering, "What is the deal?." The surprise is...

I am GUEST BLOGGING on UCREATE today!!! Yea!!!

U Create

This is a very big deal for me, I feel like I was invited to the Martha Stewart Show or something. I came up with a special tutorial for Ucreate, and I am going to do a "kit" giveaway so the lucky winner can make the exact same thing that I did.

I am soo excited and nervous at same time. Please head over to Ucreate and check out the tutorial and enter to win the giveaway item here. I will post the winner on Monday night.

The Rules are simple:

1. Leave a comment on this post (you will get one entry)

2. Become a follower on my blog and show me your beautiful face on my side bar (second entry)

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and link back (third entry)

I think when I see some blogger love notes, I can swallow my breakfast better.

I hope you will enjoy the tutorial. Thank you so much for your support and keep coming back to read my blog...

Have a wonderful Valentine's weekend!!

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