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Bye Bye Red Room

I took advantage of the long holiday weekend to begin my red room makeover project. The first step in this transformation is of course painting.

We emptied most everything out of the room, covered what was left in plastic and then filled and sanded all the holes in the walls.

I gathered the painting crew and we began by priming. The people at Sherwin Williams recommended using drywall primer followed by two coats of paint. The primer was definitely thinner than other paint I have used but seemed to do the job.

Once the primer dried it was on to the paint. I decided to use my favorite wall color which also happens to be the same color as the rest of my house – SW Aria Ivory. (Yes, this is the same color Miss Mustard Seed painted her dining room. Click HERE to read more about Aria Ivory and the color connection we share.) I know some of you might be disappointed I did not choose to a “different color” but I decided to go with something that has stood the test of time for me.

So here is a reminder of what the room looked like before:

This is what the room looks like now:

It is a big change with just a coat of paint - so much brighter and lighter. The room feels like a much happier space and has a definite Scandinavian vibe to it now. I am truly pleased with the progress already.

Gone are the dark red valences along with the skirted table, brass lamps and most of the accessories. I would like to replace the coffee table at some point but until I find something else it will have to stay.

Next up is window treatments to which there are two components – fabric and hardware.

I plan to visit fabric stores this week along with searching the internet to see what I can find. (If you have any great sources please let me know.) I am leaning towards simple panels with perhaps some sort of decorative edging. Having no real plan, this of course is all subject to change if I come across a patterned fabric that I fall head over heels for!

Then there is the window hardware. With so many choices – wrought iron, wood, painted, etc. – it is hard to know where to begin. I want something simple and in keeping with the style of the room. With four windows, cost is also a big consideration.

So wish me luck. For me, this is the most fun part of the project. I am what some might call a “fabricaholic.” I can spend days looking at fabric and will take my time before making my final decision.

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