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Tea Rose Home: The First Adventure in 2011


I had a great time at my New Year's Eve Party. It is late at night (about 2:00 AM) but I am still on a bit of a sugar high, and am not sleepy at all. :)

I hope this year will be wonderful and full of happiness for all of you.

In my last post, I mentioned about there being something I wanted to post about...

Tam from Sew Darn Cute asked me to be one of the "Stars" in her Crafting with the Stars challenge! I was a little nervous, as I get when I try new things. BUT, I know it is good to get out of my comfort zone every now and then and to stretch myself (even if it is only an inch at a time). So, I gladly accepted the offer. I feel so honored to be in the challenge with such amazing bloggers, and I hope I will be able to keep up with them!

Well, whoever wishes to be in the contest, read this carefully... The auditions start today at Sew Darn Cute and go until the 15th. All the rules and details will be on her blog, so head over there to find out more about the contest.

If you wish to, grab the button to spread the word. I know it will be fun!

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