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Clothes - Memory Blanket - and Mini Clothes

When I first started blogging, I posted about Rachel's baby clothes and that I had a hard time saying good-bye. I ended up making a memory blanket out of them and I was soo happy with the results...

For other people, the story of the "I can't part with my kids clothes" will be ended here. Not me. Yep, you guessed right, I still couldn't throw away the scraps of the scraps of the baby clothes (Please don't roll your eyes...). I tucked them away and forgot about them.

Lately, Rachel has been into playing house, big time, and taking care of her baby dolls. She has three baby dolls, but I have never bought extra clothes for them. The other day, I have noticed that she is exchanging clothes among those three dolls and trying to come up with new combinations (maybe she wasn't thinking that deep, but at least that's what I thought). They looked really funny.

Then, those scraps came to my mind, I decided to make some clothes for her baby dolls.

I used two different fabrics to make this skirt.

Ruffle tunic and a couple of headbands

Polka dot is always my favorite. Apron and headband for doing house work...

Same dress with Rose scarf for going out.

Sundress with Apron also works...

I haven't given her these clothes yet, but tomorrow, I know I am playing house with Rachel accompanied by three baby dolls in their new outfits. :)

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