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Why Wait to Celebrate and a Fantastic Giveaway!

I have to admit, I am a planner. I like to know exactly what is going to happen and when. Watching my more spontaneous friends I have come to realize, however, that many times I have missed out on what is really important – sharing my home, my time and making memories with the ones who mean the most to me.

Inviting friends and family into my home should not be intimidating. It does not require fancy dishes or a five course meal. I have always believed simple is best but some how my desire to have friends over seems to get bogged down with the need for details.

To that end, I was so excited when Debbie from The Hip Hostess contacted me. After reading her company’s philosophy and seeing the amazing selection of stylish aprons and other fun pretties, I realized it is time to move out of my comfort zone. I don’t have to have every detail planned or even have a special occasion to celebrate.

So for all you spontaneous gatherers and to help get us “planners” moving, The Hip Hostess is giving one Red Door Home reader their choice of any Demi Style or CafĂ© Style apron. So exciting!
These pretty aprons combine simple, contemporary style with fabulous fabrics to create a “couture in the kitchen” look that today’s modern woman will want and actually wear.
Whether you make it, bake it or fake it, these fabulous aprons will positively change your domestic attitude.

The Hip Hostess of offering 20% off all purchases for Red Door Home readers through July 31, 2010. Simply enter the promo code “REDDOOR” to claim your discount.

To enter:
1. You must be a follower.
2. Visit The Hip Hostess and leave a comment telling me if you are a planner or a spontaneous gatherer and which apron you would select.
3. For a second entry, post about this giveaway on twitter, your blog, or facebook page and leave a comment with a link.

Open to US and Canadian residents only. Entries must be received by July 8, 2010. Winner will be selected by and will be announced on July 10, 2010.

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