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Follower Feature

One of my favorite aspects of writing this blog is hearing from all the wonderful people who read and follow Red Door Home. It always makes me happy when someone shows an interest in an idea or tutorial by leaving an encouraging comment and/or asking additional questions. I get especially excited when I receive pictures of a completed project. Here is one such example.

You may remember the ceiling tutorial I created a while back. This easy ceiling treatment was part of my daughter’s bedroom makeover.

A few weeks ago I received a lovely email and pictures from a long time follower (who requested to remain anonymous) who used this project as inspiration for her dining room.

I think she did a wonderful job and am so glad she took the time to share her project. Thank you!

If you have been inspired by a project you have seen on Red Door Home, I would love to feature you! Send me an email and pictures of your completed project and you could be my next featured follower.

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