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Tickled Pink and a Color Connection

I have been blessed to meet so many extremely talented and generous people over the short time I have spent blogging. I am constantly amazed by the creativity and the willingness of others to share their ideas, time and gifts. Today I wanted to spotlight two special bloggers and new friends - Holly from 504 Main and Marian from Mustard Seed Creations.

Tickled Pink at 504 Main

Today I was honored to be included in Holly’s Tickled Pink Friday feature – a day to share what you love about your own blog or from other people’s blogs. Every Friday, Holly spotlights her favorite things from the past week and offers a great giveaway. Her topics include entertaining, cooking, creating, kicking up your heels, and more. Lots of fun and creativity all in one place!

As a bonus, a few weeks ago I was the winner of this fabulous journal set from Liberty of London. Thanks Holly!
It has already found a new home on my desk. I now have a stylish place to record all my ideas. The trick will be keeping my daughter from claiming them as her own!

Miss Mustard Seed and a Color Connection
I was very excited the day I discovered Mustard Seed Creations. Marian’s blog is so inspiring and is a tremendous creative resource - wonderful before and after photos, decorative painting, favorite vintage finds, small business tips, furniture feature Friday linky party and so much more. Needless to say, I have been a happy follower ever since.

In a recent post, Marian talked about, and showed pictures of, her newly repainted living room and dining room. Her color of choice was SW Aria Ivory. As most of my house is painted with this same color, I left her a comment telling her how much I too loved the way it made the white woodwork stand out – “a color without being a color” if that makes any sense. Below is Marian’s beautiful dining room.
Miss Mustard Seed

The irony of this story is that unbeknownst to either of us, Marian had used my living room which had been featured in Women’s Day Budget Decorating, as her inspiration for her color choice. She had received a copy of the magazine from her mother-in-law and saved the article.

Photographer – Michael Partenio
Stylist – Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer, Meredith Publications

Photographer – Michael Partenio
Stylist – Donna Talley, Regional Editor and Producer, Meredith Publications

Marian quickly figured out the connection after visiting my blog and seeing this post. She was kind enough to email me and to write about our color connection HERE.

I hope you will take the time to visit these two wonderful ladies. Their blogs are delightful!

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