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The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen

I was so excited to receive an unexpected package in the mail today.  Isn't it exciting when you find a package at your doorstep and you have know idea what's inside because it's not your birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas or your Anniversary?  Well, yes, that was me this afternoon.

But of course, this lovely package was from my wonderful Mother.  The Cottage Mama's Mama always knows how to put a smile on her girls face.  I had mentioned last week that I wanted to get this book - The Farm Chicks In The Kitchen.  And of course, being the amazing Mom that she is, she surprised me and ordered it!

So tonight I plan on reading through this lovely book that I am SO excited to finally have in my possession.  Do any of you have this book?  Thoughts?  Any recipes I MUST try?  Well, if I come across any winners, I'll make sure to share with you all!

Here's a link to The Farm Chick's blog if you want to check it out - it's really cute and has great style.

On another note, I'm on a super nesting kick right now (no, I am not pregnant :-) - rearranging and de-cluttering my house.  It feels great, but I'm in the stage right now where it looks worse before it can look better - ahhhhh.  I'm really trying to work on my lack of patience and understand that this is going to take more than a day, but hopefully I can get it all done this week (we'll see).  Wish me luck!

Hope you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful week ahead!

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