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I am back!

Some people might have guessed by the pictures from my last post... that's right my family has been gone the entire week last week! We went to Disneyland! At one point we thought that we might have to cancel the family vacation, but thankfully, my husband got a job offer soon enough that we were able to carry on with our plans.

We visited Disneyland for two days. I did some research on what to do and which attractions are fun for my kids' age group and such.

We attended the Jedi Academy... the boys were lucky enough to be picked to be young Jedis...

Rachel got to see her most favorite princess, Ariel, and take pictures with her and got her autograph. She was in heaven! (According to Michael, these princesses freaked him out. I asked him why. His ansewer: "Too much makeup!")

There was so much to see, and so much to do. There was no way that we could cover the whole park in just two days. Although, we were able to hit most of the attractions and rides we wanted to experience. We all had a blast.


The second day, we saw the fireworks and fantasmic (light and water show at night). I espescially loved the fireworks. Watching that I understood why people keep going back to Disneyland.

We also went to a beach. I lived closer to the beaches until I moved to Utah. Sitting at the beach, watching the waves, and feeling the wind made me realize how much I miss being near the ocean.


The rest of the week, we played in the pool at the hotel we stayed at, had dinner at Mideval times (Dinner & show where mideval knights wwould fight, and show off their skills, the kids LOVED this too).

Also, my husband totally dedicated one day for me to do a Japanese store shop-hop. That was so sweet of him! There are many Japanese grocery stores and book stores in the area. Oh... I was in heaven!!! I love books, and I read some books in english, but it's nothing like reading a book in your own language. In Utah, there are no Japanese book stores. If I buy them online, the cost of shipping is more than the actual price of the book.

I went to three Japanese book stores and one of them was a very large chain used-book store that I used to go to with my mom and my sister. I always have stack of books by my nightstand to read. There I found many books that I wanted to read for $1 each! I was soo excited!

Eventhough I love where I live now, I really wished that I could live right next to the beach and the Japanese bookstores.

On Saturday, we got home at 3:30 AM. And by late afternoon, we headed out to our Fourth of July family picnic.

We were sad to see our fun family vacation come to an end. Although, as I was tucking Rachel in bed she said "I missed my bed..."; I felt the same way. It is good to be home.

I guess we can enjoy our vacation because we know we have a place to go home to.

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