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Landscaping Solution Reveal

Wow! I received so many wonderful ideas and suggestions for my little landscaping project. I really appreciate everyone who took the time to voice their opinion. I have to say I have learned a lot from this process. Thank you!

Case in point, Kelly at MuchTo Do With Nothing, Miranda at Blooming in Alaska, Katie at Yoga Gal, Jackie at Empty Nest Full Life, and Kathy at Creative Home Expressions all suggested using a pencil stick holly – a plant I had never heard of before.

I instantly loved the look and shape of this plant as well as its specifications – a mature width of 2 feet, adaptable to most soil conditions, can be trimmed to desired height and good drought tolerance. Sounded great!

Upon further research I also found it is hardy in Zones 5 – 9. I, however, discovered I live in Zone 4. (You can tell I need to learn more about gardening as I did not know what Zone I lived in until I looked it up for this project.)

There were also many other terrific plant suggestions including burford hollies – love the idea of the red berries playing off the red door - from Debbie at Confessions of a Plate Addict . . .
. . . ligustrom topiary- a very versatile plant that can be grown into many shapes - from Karen . . .
. . . and hydragneas – one of my all time favorites - from Joan at For the Love of a House.
Lisa at Fern Creek Cottage, Andrea at Willow Wisp Cottage, Melissa at Melissa's Heart and Home and Amy at Simply a Farmer’s Wife thought the best option was two large urns.

There were also several people who suggested planting something “softer” and less structured since the rest of my landscaping is very symmetrical. So many terrific ideas!

So what did I choose? (in case you missed it, click HERE to see the before)
The winner was two large urns.
I think the urns give me the most flexibility as well as the best fit for the architecture of the house. I will be able to fill them with flowers, a topiary or seasonal décor.
They are also simple in design, take up less room than a plant (and will never get bigger!), and will allow me to add some color with annuals to the front entrance.
I am very pleased with how this little change looks – classic and less cluttered. I seem to be simplifying and going more “white” on the inside of my house so it just goes to follow that I would do the same for the outside.

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