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Four Shirts Four Ways ~ Light Beige ~

Hi everyone! This is my last of the four t-shirt makeovers and I really had a hard time deciding what to do with this one. Since this is one of my favorite colors I really wanted to make something I would wear all the time, rather than experiment and oops, I don't think I am going to wear this...

So, after thinking it over for a while, I have decided to do one of my very favorite styles. Remember my original ruffle shirt? I used the same idea, but changed it a little bit to give it more of a boutique feel to it.

{You will need}

Two of the same shirts
Matching thread
About 4 yards of lace (mine is a little less than 1/2" wide)
Two small buttons

{How to}

1. Lay the shirt flat on the cutting board and cut the t-shirt. Cut the bottom, cut the middle part into five parts, that are 2"wide.

2. Take four out of those five loops, cut both sides off to make 2" X 14" strips. The last loop needs to be longer than the others, so cut just one side off. This one will be the ruffle to go on the front neck line.

3. Add lace to the bottom of the strips using a zig-zag stitch.

4. Seal the edges with fray check.

5. Make ruffles. Stitch one side with the largest stitch setting on your sewing machine. Pull one thread to gather the fabric.

6. I wanted to bring the neckline higher for this design, so I cut the very bottom piece of fabric to fill in the v-neckline. Sewed with zig-zag.

7. Pin the longest ruffle to the neckline. I decided not to go all the way around the neck, so when I wear this shirt in the Fall with a cardigan, the back won't be so bumpy.

8. Keep adding the ruffles. Make sure that those ruffles will overlap each other a little bit.

9. Lay the t-shirt flat on table and mark the middle part of the sleeves. Fold the sleeve and stitch two places to secure the pleats. Add button.


10. I made some flowers with the leftover fabric pieces. Although, I couldn't decide if I liked the t-shirt with flowers or without. So, I made it in to a corsage...

Many places are having such good sales on summer items right now. If you find great deals on t-shirts, that will be your chance to make a one of a kind shirt for yourself on a small budget! My Four Shirts Four Ways challenge is over, but I will be doing more t-shirt makeovers in the future. They are lots of fun!

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