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What's Coming Next

I feel like my posting has been a bit sporadic lately.  With being away for almost a week in St. Louis at Grand-Molly's funeral, I have some SERIOUS catching up to do on The Cottage Mama custom orders.  I'm going to need to really focus on getting those orders out to my lovely customers, but I promise to be back with some more regular posts very soon!

So, I thought I would let you know what to expect from me in the coming weeks.

  • Piping Tutorial - I will show you how easy it is to add beautiful piping to your handmade garments.  For example, adding piping to clothing items such as these;
  • The Cottage Mama Sewing Studio Reveal.  I've gotten quite a few inquiries about where I sew, craft, and create.  So, ask and ye shall receive.  I will be sharing some pictures of my little sewing studio.
Well, that's it from me for now.  If there are any sewing tips or tutorials, or projects you are interested in me posting about, just leave me a comment or send me an email ( - I love hearing from you guys.  I'm off to my sewing machine.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!  Thanks for reading!!

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