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October Blog of the Month – Design Chic!

Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Today I am thrilled to introduce you to another fabulous Red Door Home blog of the month – Design Chic!

Design Chic is a beautiful design blog written by the mother daughter duo of Beth Woodson and Kristy Woodson.  Kristy does the writing and Beth is the curator of all the lovely pictures – sounds like a perfect match.

Their blog is one of my favorite places for inspiration on everything from farmhouse sinks to boxwoods, white clapboard houses to butler’s pantries, bobbin chairs to garages and so much more.  The list is truly endless.  In fact, if you follow me on Pinterest you will see that many of the pictures I have pinned have come from Design Chic.  They have impeccable taste and always find the most wonderful pictures. Below are some of the pictures I just love!

A garage by Patrick Ahearn  - architect

Clapboard House from Country Living

Boxwood Design by Arabella Lennox Boyd landscape designer

This designing duo also has a new project in the works.  They are in the midst of renovating a house in beautiful Beaufort, North Carolina.  Beaufort is a quintessential coastal town and the third oldest town in North Carolina – lots of history here and a great place to visit especially in the summer.  In fact, I am very familiar with Beaufort as my husband and I made a stop there on our honeymoon.  The house is definitely a diamond in the rough just brimming with potential.

The front part of the house was built in 1813 and the remainder in 1907.

Future guest room

The master bedroom with another great fireplace.

One of the most spectacular features of the house is the view from the widows walk.

Demolition on the house is in full swing and they are currently working on remodeling and reworking spaces.  I am so excited to see this entire project as it progresses to the finishing stages.

As with all the blog of the month features on Red Door Home, there is so much more to see at Design Chic including their “In Good Taste” features as well as  “Fashionable Friday.”  I hope you will visit Beth and Kristy and leave a comment letting them know you stopped by.  I know they will be thrilled to hear from you! 

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