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The Details - Living Room Redo

Thank you all for the wonderful comments on my recently revealed living room redo. I received lots of great questions and decided instead of individual responses I would share the answers with everyone.

Pillow Fabric
The red and white pillow fabric is from Calico Corners and can be found here. It is called Stockholm and is available in several colors. I loved the bold print and Scandinavian feel – the look I was going for in this room.

The curtains are also made from Calico Corners fabric. I choose an off-white linen called Jefferson Antique White which can be found here. They are lined with an off-white lining but are not interlined.

The curtains are simple, rectangular panels with drapery pins inserted across the top and hung from rings.

The mirror is a floor sample from Ethan Allen.

It was slightly damaged and was a great price. As far as I know it is no longer available.

It only took one weekend to paint the entire space – of course having a great crew helps! As you see the walls started off red.

To cover up the dark color we used one coat of dry wall primer (a recommendation from the paint store) and two coats of SW Aria Ivory.

Rosmaling Plate and Sewing Box
Both of these painted pieces belonged to my grandmother and are two of my most prized possessions. I am half Norwegian and as such, enjoy having a reminder of my heritage in my home. Both items were created by Enid Grindland – Vesterheim Museum gold medal winner. You can see more of Enid’s work here.

Rosmaling is a style of decorative painting developed in Norway during the 18th and early 19th centuries. Rosmaling literally means "rose painting". This type of painting first appeared on small objects like plates and chests. Later it was used to decorate furniture and eventually the walls and ceilings of homes and even churches. (information from here) There are several different methods of Rosmaling and my plate and sewing box are two distinctive styles.

Marble Top Table
This quirky little table came from the same store as the lamp and orange chairs (in my dining room).

It looks a little French and as if it was made from two different tables. I bought it for its size and uniqueness – of course the marble top table won me over too!

Sofa and Chairs
The sofa and chair set was given to us by my husband’s family. I refinished the frames and then had all three pieces reupholstered. If anyone knows the correct name for this type of furniture I would love to know as I have never been able to find out.

The reason one chair is tan and the sofa and other chair are blue is because this is what the upholsterer told me was “normal” for this type of set. Fifteen years later, I am not so sure this is true, and wish both chairs were done in the same fabric.

So that is the story on my living room. I hope I covered all of your questions. If I forgot to answer yours or you want additional information on something, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am always happy to help!

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