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Christmas in July

Country Living magazine was here for a photo shoot! The shoot was for their upcoming December issue. In the lazy days of mid-summer, we enjoyed everything Christmas -  

Wreaths, and 
Christmas cookies.

We even had a visit from a few of Santa's helpers (they enjoyed my roses). 

I have subscribed to Country Living for years. Some of my favorite images have come from their pages, as Country Living's aesthetics and sensibility have really resonated with me. 

Deputy Style Editor Lili Diallo contacted me last December with interest to include our home in the magazine. Needless to say, I was thrilled and honored. A winter or spring shoot wasn't possible as we had our hands full after the birth of our two sweet babies - so Christmas in July it was. 

Lili is an incredibly insightful and talented stylist, and so much fun! She also happens to be the author of the beautiful and inspiring design book titled, Details. 

Here are a few behind-the-scenes glimpses from our week! 

On Sunday, we ventured out to cut three Noble fir Christmas trees. The trees, strapped to the top of our car on a July morning, were a perplexing sight to many as we made our way home from the tree farm. 

Packages started to arrive on Tuesday, the day Lili arrived from New York. Wednesday evening brought the photographers and their gear. 

We learned a lot about the meticulous detail that goes into capturing magazine-worthy images. Screens were placed outside the nursery windows to filter light. 

Here's the crew in action! Photographer Max Kim-Bee (a selection of his gorgeous photography can also be found under the 'photographers' link at this site) with assistant Kevin Kerr, Lili, and Design Director Sheri Geller, who flew in for Friday. They're working on a shot in the living room. 

It was so much fun having them here. Max even helped out with some dish washing! Kevin and Sheri, with children of their own, held babies at just the right times. Kevin also gave us a few very welcome photography pointers!

Here are Sheri, Lili and Max discussing angles for the dining room. 

During the week, there was also some napping... 

...and some team napping. 

Mike, my mom, and Graham took a break before lunch, for which we moved the patio table and chairs into the shade under the porch. I'll do a post on our new patio table and chairs soon! 

And here's everyone - Kevin, Sheri, Graham and my Mom, Margaret and me, Max, and Lili. We had mild weather for July, with mostly cloudy skies and a slight breeze. This unseasonal weather worked quite well to help get us in the mood for a cozy Christmas. 

This is a familiar sighting around our house - Kangaroo Daddy.  

At one point, Kevin and Mike moved the Christmas tree. 

Here's Sheri holding Graham. He loved her curls. 

The Country Living crew arrived in red rental cars... pure coincidence but festive nonetheless. The screen shown above was used to control the light for the dining room shots.

On Friday evening, it was time to pack up the Christmas decorations that had been sent out from       New York for the shoot. 

Meanwhile, the boys chatted at the end of the day. 

Having the Country Living crew here was wonderful. We really enjoyed the first-hand insight into the details, hard work, talent, and collaboration that create gorgeous images for publication. It was absolutely fascinating and everything they did was simply beautiful. 

We also especially enjoyed getting to know four lovely, inspiring people...who Mike and I consider new found friends. 

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