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A Fabulous Gift-From Some Fabulous Bloggers

This is one happy baby. Why is he so jovial you might ask? I believe it has something to do with the amazing blanket beneath him. Last week I got a package in the mail from three bloggers I am lucky enough to call good friends- Camila, Lauren and Lindsay. I wish you could have seen my delight when pulled out this blanket...

I turned to Patrick and said, "Isn't this gorgeous? I swear it looks hand blocked!" Little did I know the story behind it. Turns out, the middle layer and edging are hand block printed with natural dyes. Camila informed me it was from a company Mela & Roam started by Courtney Barton, author of Inside the Loop, one of the first blogs I ever read.
These blankets are amazing but so are the one of the kind vintage textiles found while on her travels...Definitely worth taking a look at Mela & Roam. Thank you friends for such a perfect gift!

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