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finding comfort

When I published the picture of the golden evening sunshine two days ago, I didn't know it was going to touch so many people!

Besides your lovely comments, I also received emails from readers telling me how they had found comfort in the picture.  They spoke to me of their worries, difficulties, tiredness,  problems and how a beautiful ray of golden sunshine had brightened their day.

It got me thinking about how we cope with feeling blue.  Don't tell me it never happens to you!  Everyone has moments with a little less energy, less lust for life.   I know that my difficult time of the year is the end of winter, almost certainly  due to a lack of sunshine.

Here are things I do to buck myself up, I'd love to hear yours too!

-  focus on beauty around me, in my everyday surroundings.

-   make an effort to dress with care:  make up, nice shoes, 
favourite clothes even if I'm just going to the supermarket!

-  take time to listen to someone else, give them  a helping hand

-  get outside, come rain or shine.  Walk, ride, cycle, whatever ...  just 
to get a maximum dose of daylight and natural surroundings

So tell me, what affects you the most, what gives you your ups and downs? and how do you react?

If you are a mother, wife,  a supporter, do you fight off feeling low? do you think it's your role to keep everyone else going strong?  Or do you think it's OK to let go and lean on those around you?

I'd love to know how you all cope. 
Thank you for reading my blog, thank you for sharing with me.
Take care.

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