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Making an Entrance

I have posted about my front room “design dilemma” on a couple of occasions (see here and especially here)…well, I have finally been working on a solution!

Before you get too excited…the whole room is not ready. I’ve just been working on my “entrance” (or lack thereof). You never get a second chance to make a first impression, right?


I posted a teaser yesterday, and the suitcase wall definitely seemed to capture the most attention, so I’ll focus on that first!

I don’t claim credit for the idea of turning vintage suitcases into shelves. That came from this magazine…

fms suitcases

…which my neighbor purchased, and I, shall we say--commandeered for several weeks!

Here are the things I needed for this project:

Vintage suitcases
1x10 wood
Painter’s tape and scrap paper (for templates)
2 1/2” screws (big ones)
3/4” screws (little ones)
Table Saw
Electric drill with a screwdriver bit

The hardest part—emotionally, that is—is that in order to get this look, you DO have to cut innocent luggage in half.

You can call me the Suitcase Slasher.

That may be my Halloween costume.

I don’t have pictures to share of that process. It is very hard to take pictures while running a table saw!

I measured approximately 6 inches from the front of each suitcase and drew a line, then I used the table saw to cut each half of the suitcase as far as it was able. THIS IS SCARY!! No joke. If you can, remove as much of the lining as possible before cutting, as when the table saw hits the fabric it will catch and make a funny sound and send your stomach leaping to your throat!

Now, my blade wasn’t high enough to get all the way through even one-half of a suitcase, so I used a jigsaw to finish the cuts (I originally tried to use the jigsaw alone, but my jigsaw couldn’t walk a straight line for a policeman). Since some of my suitcases had metal banding, I used a metal blade on my jigsaw (you DON’T want to send metal through any saw that isn’t fitted with a metal blade).

Next step: measure the opening at the back of your poor mangled suitcase, then cut a board to fit the opening (I cut my backs out of a 1 x 10 pine board).

stairs 002 (3)suitcase shelf

I enlisted helpers to begin arranging the suitcases on the wall…

suitcase shelves

…and I actually used wrapping paper cut to size to get the layout right on the wall (I lived with that up for about a week).

There is more than one way to mount your suitcases to the wall. The magazine suggested cutting keyhole hangers in the backs of the boards, screwing the suitcases to the boards, and then hanging.

I didn’t do it that way.

I used a stud finder to mark out the studs in my wall, and then I screwed the boards directly to the studs. Your boards DO NOT have to be centered on the studs, they just have to cross over two of them. Start one screw (I used 2 1/2” screws), then level your board, then screw in the next one. It’s very helpful to have a teenage daughter help at this point!

vintage suitcase shelf shelves

Eek! A mouse! I promise, it’s just a Halloween decoration.

Once the boards are in place, I used four 3/4” screws to attach the suitcase to the board (one top, one bottom, on each side).

These things are sturdy!

vintage suitcase shelves shelf

I had fun “shopping” my house for accessories for my new shelves! My folding yardstick star (I tried to fold it into a pumpkin—major fail) from Suzanne at Meridian Road looks great next to my grandfather’s cloth tape measure.

wall of suitcases

A wooden spool is pressed into service as a makeshift vase.

vintage luggage wall shelf shelves

Glittery spiders and pumpkins have taken up residence everywhere!

vintage luggage shelves shelf

I haven’t decided what to do about the open space at the bottom. Either I need another suitcase (or two), or a narrow bench. What do you think?

antique suitcase luggage shelf shelves

I think it’s official…I am a despoiler of suitcases (remember this one that I painted).

But….I can’t summon up any remorse. I am in love!


This project has been featured at Las Vegas Review JournalWhimsically Creative, Oh My! Creative, Recyclart, Dude Craft, Flea Market Style, Pamela Joyce Designs, Funky Junk, House of Hepworths, Décor Hacks, My Repurposed Life, Eye Heart Today, Mod Vintage Life, Sisters of the Wild West, Unconsumption, Charming Zebra, Simple Home Life, I’m Topsy Turvy, 2805, Shabby Love, Stylish Once Again, The DIY Home Sweet Home Project, Hating Martha, and Renewing Your Find Cafe.

Linking up to these great parties:


Coastal Charm’s Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Topsy Turvy Tuesdays
From My Front Porch to Yours
Someday Crafts’ Whatever Goes Wednesday
Hookin’ Up with House of Hepworths
No Minimalist Here’s Open House Thursday
Friday Remodelaholic
My Simple Home Life’s Simple Creations Friday
Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Feature Friday
Funky Junk’s Saturday Night Special
The DIY Show Off
Primitive & Proper
I Heart Naptime
Beyond the Picket Fence’s Under $100 Party
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Perfectly Imperfect
CoE - Creative Final Resting Place
Mod Vintage Life
Stylish Once Again
Reasons to Skip the Housework
DebbieDoo's Copycat Challenge
Thrifty Décor Chick

In case you’re wondering…I bought three of the suitcases for $10/each, one was $18, and the other two were given to me. It was not an expensive project!

Updated to add: You can see the staircase part of the project HERE!Link

stairs 001 (2)

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