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the small hunting lodge

Always on the look out for a suitable venue for the one-day-sure-to-happen bloggers weekend, I'm currently in hunting lodge mode.  It is after all the time of year when the pop pop pop of the guns are to be heard around here, and a hunting lodge offers so many possibilities for dressing up, looking casually country chic, and of course drinking great après-hunt cocktails.

So I wondered what you thought of this little gem.  A hunting lodge in Italy: room for many; great vistas; rather grand decor; delicious italian cuisine at the ring of a silver bell, and all that almost certainly served by an equally declicious italian waiter.  One has to think of everything.

I thought that after drinks in the garden, we'd enjoy dining here,

although if there were a chill in the air we could retire to a choice of salons

We could pull names out of a hat to allocate bedrooms,
once we have established that this one with the white bed is mine that is.

so what do you think, shall I just book it and we work out the details later?

All photos thank to Trust and Travel

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