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Lavender Dreams

I love lavender. I put sachets of it in our dresser drawers and in the nursery armoire to keep clothes smelling clean and freshly laundered. I've also enjoyed its aromatherapy benefits as a nighttime sleep aid - lavender is known for its ability to help with a deep, calming sleep.

As I watched our lavender grow this summer, I dreamed of how wonderful it would be to make a special pillow case to hold lavender every night. The drawer sachets I was using often migrate to spots that can be uncomfortable to sleep on. 

To obtain this special pillow case, I knew just the person to call. I had read about her on Heather Bullard's blog, who had some custom sewing done for her laundry room

After several e-mails back and forth, Trish Banner of Cottage by Design sent me this wonderful package. The pillowcase is made with beautiful white linen, trimmed with gorgeous antique lace. I can't say enough good things about Trish. I was so pleased that I immediately requested another custom order! I'll post on that soon. 

Here's a picture of the sachet Trish made to button inside the pillowcase. As someone who cannot sew, I have great respect and admiration for people who can - her work is impeccable! 

Sweet Dreams...

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