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autumn work to do

We have got to that stage in the season where I walk out into the garden and think UGH .....  there is so much to do, to cut back, to get rid of, to change place.  This is not the moment for a ladylike wander around the flower beds with a small secateur and a cutting basket, no way!  This is the moment for boots, gloves, shears, wheelbarrows, the moment when the compost heap will grow to giant proportions.

There is no way around it, I shall have to bite the bullet this weekend, the sun is shining, I have no excuse. 

Here are a few shots taken on crisp frosty grass this morning, as I walked around summoning up some courage.  Because now I've made it public, I have to do something about it, right?!

A happy weekend in the garden to you too.

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