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Off the Clock!

Well, my friends, I’ve been “voted off the island!”  My project for Round 3:  Fabric of Crafting with the Stars was Lucy’s Very Hungry Caterpillar (including the fabric picture, caterpillar body pillow, and butterfly wings).  It came in 4th place this round.

Lucy 1b

I had a lot of fun with my project; it was made better by the face that I created it for people I love (1st project was for my sister, 2nd for one neighbor, and 3rd for another neighbor and sister)!.  However, I don’t think I picked well for this contest—it was a good fabric project, but not really a good fabric-home-décor project, and those are what carried the day!  Congratulations to the final three contestants!

Lucy 3

The good part is…I feel a lot less pressure at the moment!  I have been hard at work on what would have been my Round 4 project, and this one is for ME!  It’s actually nice to be “off the clock,” so to speak, and not be working on such a tight deadline.

Lucy 2

THANK YOU to all of you who took the time to vote, whether or not it was for my projects!  Your kind comments always make me feel like a winner!

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