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An ORANGE door!

The time from inspiration to inception for this makeover was very short (for me). I got my October Better Homes & Gardens magazine on a Tuesday, I think, that showed an orange front door…and I loved it.

By Wednesday night I had my first coat of paint on the door!


SewingArmoire 001

Awesome AFTER

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I’ve wanted to paint my front door forEVER, but I never could settle on a color. This is “Maple Leaf” from Behr (I had it mixed in the Behr Ultra paint). I used about 1 1/2 sample pots (four coats)—less than $6 for the paint.

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My children think it’s cool; my husband is tolerant. He keeps asking if I’m going to repaint it red and green for Christmas.

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You know what? I just might!

No, not really.

But I like it!

What about you? Could you paint your front door orange?


Linking up here.

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