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Felt Leaves Garland

I spent the weekend before last at my parents’ home in Montana. I generally try to take a little project along with me, and this year it was the materials to make this leaf garland.
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My next door neighbor had pointed out this one she liked from the Pottery Barn Kids magazine (click on the picture to go to the catalog page):
And I thought it was really cute. She watched my three-year-old for me while I was gone, so I decided to try to make her one for FAR less than $49!
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I probably spent a whole $5 on felt. I printed out leaf pictures on paper, cut them out, and then traced them onto the felt.
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I hand-drew the “veins” on the leafs with the cut-outs—and then cut them out! I used embroidery floss to stitch the veins on the other leaves.
I spaced each leaf about 8 inches apart, knotted onto simple seam binding.
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I ended up making 23 different leaves…enough for two garlands (not bad for $5)!

One for my friend; one for me!
Linking up here and The DIY Show Off.

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