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The Cottage Mama - Two Print Publication Features!

Well, I have finally returned to the sewing machine after six long weeks away and it feels good.....really good.  It's going to take me a little while to get my groove back, but I've got Halloween costumes in the works as well as a few other things that I can't wait to share with you all.

Meanwhile, I received copies of two recent print publications featuring The Cottage Mama - the premier issue of Stitch. Craft. Create. and the winter issue of Altered Couture.  I know I've said this before, and I will say it again, I never ever get tired of seeing something of mine in print.  It is so thrilling and I feel so blessed for these amazing opportunities!

This first publication is a brand new one that I know you'll want to check out.  It's called Stitch. Craft. Create. and comes from the publishers of Sew Beautiful magazine.  This publication is loaded, and I mean loaded, with amazing holiday craft and sewing projects.  I absolutely love the fact that they are light on the advertisements and heavy on the actual content. 

My Tile Coaster Tutorial was featured in their "60 Quick & Creative Gift Ideas".  The folks at the magazine made up their own version of my tutorial and I think they look great. 

This truly is a wonderful and easy holiday gift - I gave several sets of these last year for Christmas.  You can tailor the look to the gift recipients style and they are very inexpensive to make.  If you make these in an assembly line style, you can really knock out quite a few sets all at one time.

Click HERE to learn how to make your own Tile Coasters.

The premiere issue of Stitch. Craft. Create. is now available on newsstands.  You should be able to find it at your local Barnes & Noble, craft stores, and sewing shops.  It is a mid-priced publication but is definitely more like a book.  It will be a magazine that you will use and reference for years to come.

The second publication is one you've seen on the blog before.  It's my third time being featured in Altered Couture magazine!  I just received my copy yesterday and this time they chose to feature my "Winter Wonderland" dress that I created last year for the children's clothing competition, Project Run & Play

To be honest this is probably one of my most favorite creations I've ever done because of the way it evolved.  I really did not want to go out and buy any new materials (since I had tons to use up) and just tried to get creative with what I had.  I think some of the best creative moments come out of necessity.

The people at Altered Couture are just lovely to work with and I adore looking through the magazine and seeing all the creativity that is out there in the world.  I've also noticed that there are several other bloggers featured in the current issue.  It's so fun to be in such good company!

Want to create your own "Winter Wonderland" dress? You can view my tutorial HERE to get the "how-to".

So, I'm just wondering........

What are your favorite crafty/creative/sewing magazines?

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