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French mattress ticking

I have long had a thing about French mattress ticking, but this year have been lucky enough to find a couple of particularly old pieces.  How do I know they are so old?  Well, because they have little hand sewn eyelets placed strategically over the ticking, these were used to lace the ticking down to the old wool or horse hair filled mattresses.

My favourite piece could pass itself off as a Ralph Lauren design with its bold red, beige and black stripes.

So periodically I get them out of the cupboard and hum, and ha, and muse with the idea of making cushions etc.  Today I wondered about grosgrain ties through the eyelets, or cushions made up with linen from my postal bags.

What would you do with this fabric?  I've already sold pieces like this and I know they've gone to excellent homes, maybe I should just let go of these too ...

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