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pinning the right colour - a weekend wishlist

You may have sensed from the posts this week that I am looking for comfort at this change of season.  It shows in the house too.  I'm needing a bit of a change in my colour schemes here.  Definitely wanting to go towards grey, hoping to avoid taupe, wanting something warm and welcoming.

Drawn to natural fabrics, linen, chanvre, maybe a little velvet.   A mix of old and new.

I am collecting snippets from here and there, each time I see an image and think ah! that would be nice to live with.

If I could take myself seriously enough I'd call this my mood board, but  then I'd worry about what that is saying about my mood, so I won't call it that.

I can see where this is all  leading me, I'm going to have to start 'pinning'.  I actually started the pinning account, but managed to lose it quite promptly, so I'm waiting to be invited back in and then I'll be up there  pinning with the best of them.

I think you're going to hate this fire, but I adore it.   We have several open fireplaces here and  I've been looking for original fire guards for years, but have never seen these before.   A sort of metal interior shutter design.   Pinned to the wishlist! 

I wish you a warm and comforting weekend, 
may all your pinned dreams become reality!

all photos thanks to campagne er decoration

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