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roofs of paris and a giveaway winner

I'm amazed I don't trip over more often when in Paris, I tend to wander around with my eyes on the rooftops, rather than looking where I'm going.  Yesterday was no exception, the sky was moody and those lanterns and  blue grey zinc roofs were just calling out to me!

I managed to lower my lens to catch these two little poppets,  remember them?, well here they are again enjoying their last day in France.  Love the Tuilerie gardens!

I just love the twirls and scrolls in the detail of these rooftop windows, just how we'd all love to draw windows.

So, in a seamless transition, from the grandeur of the Champs Elysées, to my giveaway winner!

I am happy to announce that the random draw pulled out the name 'Tiffany W' to win the Shabby Apple Dress of her choice.

Thank you all for joining in so enthusiastically , 
wishing you all a great weekend.

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