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me and a tin of black paint

Black in small doses  seems to work well at the moment.  It compliments the neutrals we love so much, and tolerates the occasional loud splash of a brighter colour.

I've had fun restoring an old and very battered backgammon board found for next to nothing at a fair, and then since I had some paint left over, I tried it on a cutlery box.  What do you think?

 the box when I started - not a pretty sight!
- I replaced the main panels and painted them ... black -

- I toyed with the idea of leaving the board without any markings -
- I tried to call it stylish; my son  called me lazy -
so we compromised and I painted in the simplest board possible!

 then I moved onto a cutlery box ...

I can't sign off without thanking you for all your kind words about my pictures
this weekend - you really know how to make a girl happy!!
Thank you for reading my blog, thank you for your generosity!

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