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French wedding globes

 Les globes de mariés
the French love them, they always have done.
Originally designed as a 19th century wedding souvenir
today they are displayed empty, with nature mortes,
or the base is simply used to present a pretty object

gold letters available here


sometimes, when the glass dome has been broken, 
the shape is reproduced with wire to great effect.


bord de scene

esprit champetre

Wedding souvenirs, containing important symbols:

orange blossom to represent virginity;
ivy symbolising the attachment between husband and wife;
lime tree for faithfulness;
oak leaves for wisdom and long life;
a dove for peace, symbol of the holy spirit;
grapes and vine leaf to represent abundance and wealth;
in the case of a remarriage a crown of pearls ...

don't forget!
only two more days till the end of the dress giveaway

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