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Caspian Finn

When our new baby boy, Caspian Finn, was born we hired my good friend Megan, of Megan Abelard Photography, to do our newborn session when he was one week old.  We never did formal newborn sessions with either of the girls, but I just really wanted to make sure we captured this special moment in our lives.

I love some of the sweet moments Megan captured and I wanted to share these moments with all of you.  So I hope you'll indulge me a little bit while I show off our sweet little boy and our new family of five. 

We took some family shots as well, but with three kids under the age of four, getting everyone to cooperate and look at the camera is a giant task in itself.

And then I'll leave you all with several more of our new little man.......

When Cass is older he probably will not care for the fact that I shared his little nakey self here on the blog, but I couldn't help myself.  It's just too cute! 

We love you little Caspian Finn!

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